Warming Sun

Good morning!

A great authentic smile can feel like a warming sun, that washes over you and makes you smile too. There is a song about a warming sun and it just has only good vibes! So go on.. enjoy them and maybe catch some rays.

On another fabulous note, I was lucky enough (and very thankful!) to be nominated for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award by the wonderful blog Palm Trees & Pellegrino.


Here Are the Rules

  • Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  • List the rules and display the award.
  • Share 7 facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 (I’ll be nominating a handful) other amazing blogs and remember to comment on their blogs to let them know you’ve nominated them (+ provide a link to your post).
  • This rule is optional – you can proudly display the award logo anywhere on your blog (e.g. on your sidebar) and also follow the blogger that nominated you.

About Me

1. I am always looking forward to another trip, I absolutely LOVE to travel.

2. I have never dyed my hair.

3. I have two lifestyles that I absolutely love; the first is city life (I love getting dressed up and fashion), the second is being outdoorsy, camping and hiking (once I get dirty, I embrace it and feel so free).

4. One of the happiest places I can be is on the dance floor, I can feel the music within me and nothing else exists.

5. My real passion is Le Prix, my fashion business. Here is an article from the beginning! I even paired #1 with it.. I travel the world and shop for my inventory.

6.  Meeting new people and having real conversations with them (no matter how short) really make me happy.

7. I like the idea of putting out good into the world and knowing it will come back to you in unexpected ways. Always do good (P.S. I am a Delta Gamma).

My Nominations

I have found these lovely bloggers to be inspiring and amazing to read! So please check them out ❤

I love the positive atmosphere of supporting other bloggers.. at the end of they day they are wonderful people sharing their thoughts with the world and hope to brighten others’ days or create some change in the world.

Please follow me and I would love to hear your feedback and comments.

Instagram: RobynLePrix

Twitter: RobynLePrix

Email: robyn.l.hobbs@gmail.com

xoxo Robyn Le Prix




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